The Consumer Protection Guarantee's questions to ask Tradesmen

publication date: May 17, 2013

Questions To Ask Tradesmen


It seems that all we hear about in the media are horror stories of manipulative scammers and rogue traders ripping off the nation. You're made to believe that these villains are lurking on every street corner.


Harvey Ellingham from The Consumer Protection Guarantee says "It is a crying shame, because it taints the name of every tradesman who bases their work ethic on fine workmanship and upstanding principles. The trades industry relies greatly on reputation and this can be jeopardised by the few who choose to bend the rules".


Therefore finding the right person for the job can take some effort and research. You want to be sure that we can trust the tradesman and rely on them to carry out the work with professionalism from start to finish. Doing your homework at this early stage is vital in causing the least amount of stress possible further down the line. There are huge amounts of resources online now for finding tradesmen of all description, up and down the country.

You should check testimonials and reviews from reputable websites only and always read the small print before you contact them. Don't be fooled by fancy graphics and fonts – that's a sign of a website designers proficiency and unfortunately doesn't always match the tradesman's own handiwork!

Of course, the best way of finding a tradesmen is through recommendations by friends or family, and this is still the most popular way of sourcing the right candidate. Be it a work colleague or a hairdresser you get chatting to, personal recommendations are the top way to finding the best tradesman.


So if you think you've found the right tradesman to get the work done, what kind of questions should you be asking?


A good starting point would be to enquire if they have done similar projects before. You want to feel that the tradesman is confident and experienced to deal with your work.

Once contact has been established, it is highly recommended that you ask to see some references or take a look at their previous work completed, so you can be sure that the quality is of a standard suitable to you and your needs. Don't be nervous asking these sorts of questions, as it is only the wrong kind of tradesman who would not be willing to comply.


Ask when they are available to begin. It is important that everybody is prepared and organised around the scheduling of the project from the beginning. Checklists are a good idea and help keep things on track.


Ask if they’re covered by The Consumer Protection Guarantee, if not are they willing to take one out? If they decline a CPG being taken out then it means they’re worried they won’t get their money because they know they can’t fulfil the job.


Another good question to raise is what kind of deposit they require, so you know as early as possible. That way, you won't be stung by a larger than expected sum later on. Don't pay over the odds though, and usually figures over 25% shouldn't be accepted. Is My Deposit Money Guaranteed? Is another very good question


Ask if they can sign a contract before work begins. Again, only the dishonest tradesmen would object to this request. It's important that you feel secure during the project and hopefully asking these questions will help in you having the best possible experience during the project.

This guest article was brought to you by The Consumer Protection Guarantee. For more advice from TCPG read their How to Choose  a Builder Checklist

All our information is brought to you by Kate Faulkner OBE, author of Which? Property books and one of the UK's top property experts.
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